Prices & awards
Nanovis wins ZKB special prize for exemplary small company
1. February 2019
We are very proud about the special prize for exemplary small business, which we received…
Global Award for Sustainability
24. September 2013
The NANOCLEANER NWC-1200 was nominated by the jury for this year's Innovation Award Global Award…
De Vigier Award for young entrepreneurs
19. June 2008
Together with the Swiss start- ups Advanced Metal Technology, Epithelix, G&M E-Filter und Joysteer, Nanovis…
European Environmental Press Awards
28. November 2007
NANOVIS has been selected to receive the Gold Award (1st Price) of the European Environmental…
CTI Start-up Label
12. December 2006
In December 2006 NANOVIS was awarded for the CTI Start-up Label by the Swiss CTI…
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